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Have you ever feel that you need some advice from someone?

Now you can have any time you want!

Receive one advice from any of our six advisers! They are:


He is a dog that enjoys life and gives you some fun advice when you feel sad.


She has a strong character, and gives you advices to success in life.


She is the inteligent one, and gives you advices to go through the day.


He is a chilling guitarist that gives you advices to not feel bad with you.


She is a cheerful and happy person, and gives you the best advices to be happy.


As his name is telling you, he is a very wise old man, that gives you the most deep and useful advices for you to have a fulfilling life.

These advisers are at your service to help you any time you want, that's dedication!


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Click download now to get access to the following files:

Advice Machine.exe 3.9 MB

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